Liberated Life Outreach Church was established in 6th of August, 1995 with its leader or founder being Rev. Teddy Asare. It actually started as a Morning Devotion with some few members at the La Wireless area. As the days keeps unfolding it grew in size which call for relocation from La Wireless to La Maley-Dada cluster of schools behind the La General Hospital in La, with its core mandate as follows.
a). To impact the nature of Christ Jesus into all men irrespective of their race, culture and geographical location.
b). To preach total salvation of Spirit, Soul and body by faith in Christ.
c). To prepare all for the second coming of Christ through the preaching of the gospel to them.
d). To prepare the body of Christ (church) to wear its garment of beauty, power and glory for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
e). To transformed and impact men spiritually, Mentally and physically to fulfil their call on earth as designed and fashion by their maker (God).

Since its establishment the church as a body has gone through a lot of transformational faces, thanks to the marvelous work of God’s spirit the Holy Spirit and its able leader Rev. Teddy Asare. These changes are all in line with God’s divine agenda for the church.


The church by the grace of the Almighty God can boast of raising able men and women in Ghana and outside Ghana who are now ministers propagating the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has also been able to impact numerous lives around the world at large. As part of the church quest to impact life’s and also fulfil its social responsibility to society, the church in partnership with able organization such as the THERESAHNAOMI FOUNDATION to help improve lives of souls and help in the area of their education. Liberated Life Outreach Church as a body is doing it possible best to ensure that all souls live a peaceful and health life.


The church by the grace of God will be opening branches across the length and breath of the country and also in the diaspora.


Currently the church by the grace of God can boast of an ultra-modern church building for worship which can accommodate about 200 to 300 souls. It also intends to enlarge its capacity as the good Lord will permit.
Rev. Teddy Asare.

Introducing Our Spiritual Guides

Guiding Lights: Meet Our Spiritual Mentors.

Pastor Teddy Asare

Pastor Richard Akorli

Pastor Edward Addo Bediako.

Mrs Marjorie Asare

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